Noticias que las Redes Sociales bloquean y que los gobiernos del mundo no quieren que veas.

Últimas Noticias

Carolina Perpetuo le da hasta con el tobo al violinista Wuilly Arteaga

La actriz venezolana, Carolina Perpetuo, le respondió este viernes al recordado violinista Wuilly Arteaga por el video que publicó en sus redes sociales, criticando a la periodista Angie Pérez tras las acusaciones sobre supuestos negocios que tiene su familia con el gobierno de Venezuela.
Caolina Perpetuo le da hasta con el tobo al violinista Wuilly Arteaga

Perpetuo escribió: “Tanto virtuosismo tocando el violín, sufrir y llorar, tener que salir del país para terminar encunetado con este video Pa Te Ti Co !! Qué devaluación”.

Sin embargo, el venezolano no esperó para responderle a la artista recordando lo mucho que la admira.

“Mi amorrr yo a ti te admiro tanto que este comentario no me molesta. Solo que yo también quería divertirme, gracias por escribirme. Qué honor! Bendiciones”, escribió.

En el material Arteaga tildó de “enchufada” a Angie luego de que el especialista en redes sociales, Irrael Gómez, revelara las supuestas pruebas de los negocios de la familia de la periodista.

🎶#NYTOpinion | He spread a message of peace in a time of crisis. Wuilly Arteaga, 24, is known for playing his violin in the middle of the deadly protests last year in Venezuela. Once homeless, Wuilly taught himself to play by watching videos online. Today you might see him playing around New York City, where he found safety after being jailed and tortured for his role in the protests — and where our video journalist @jkessel shot this video. “I was not only amazed how many people recognized Wuilly on the streets, but their reaction to him was truly energizing,” @jkessel said. “We were only outside for an hour and in that time every few minutes someone would walk by, see him and scream ‘Venezuela!’ like we were at a soccer match. People passing by stopped to shake his hand, take a selfie and hug him. It filled me with hope that his actions and music are still reverberating today.” In a recent #NYTOpinion video Op-Ed, #Wuilly Arteaga called on the world to condemn Venezuela's rulers and stand in solidarity with his people. Visit the link in our profile to see the full video, produced by @leahvarjacques.
Uma publicação partilhada por The New York Times (@nytimes) a


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